Dear Loved Ones,
our rainy season, which typically lasts from April to June, is gradually coming to an end. This year we had a decent rainy season again. The roads are in a disastrous state, but the local farmers are looking forward to a likely good harvest.

the preparation of the dishes
In January, we received support from Jackline and entrusted her with the responsibility for the caretakers and the orphanage’s kitchen. This allows my wife, Beate, to take care of individual children who need more intensive care. Jackline lost one of her legs in a severe bus accident nine years ago and is currently unfortunately having to make do with a poor and often painful prosthesis.
In January, we also had a visit from David Lumpi, a friend from Austria. We believe his visit was not a coincidence, as his daughter works in a company that manufactures complex medical prostheses. The company has agreed to refurbish a used prosthesis for Jackline. This year, Jackline will travel to Austria to have the prosthesis fitted on site. Such a prosthesis with semi-automatic joints can cost up to 20,000 Euros in Europe.
We can only marvel at how God guides our paths. For us, this was certainly a small miracle.

and Charlotte
In March, we received another call from the youth welfare office in Dar es Salaam to pick up four children. They were siblings abandoned by their mother. The mother had asked her neighbour to look after the children for a few days in December and had disappeared since then. Since the neighbour was not able to take care of the children in the long term, she asked the youth welfare office for help.

the day of their admission
Tatra, the oldest, who takes loving care of her youngest brother, is now attending our primary school. Because she does not yet speak English, she struggles to follow the teaching material and is receiving additional English lessons. In a few months, her English will certainly be as good as the other school children‘s.
Following the example of the famous neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who separated numerous Siamese twins and was motivated to read by his mother in his childhood (which in turn shaped his career), we also give our children a lot to read. They often ask us a few days later, after they have finished reading a book, for the next book.
Our school now has 53 children in a total of three classes. Ten of the children come from the orphanage. From January 2024, we will start the fourth school year. Our school has a very good reputation.
Unfortunately, one of our school buildings--we reported briefly about it in February--burnt down due to sparks from a farmer who set fire to his field for clearance, despite strong wind. Fire clearance often leads to fires all over the country, and it is actually forbidden. It was a painful loss for Dunia ya Heri. After the rainy season, we will start rebuilding. This time we will construct a metal roof, which will significantly reduce the fire hazard. We are very thankful, that with the help of OCI, Restore a Child and many dedicated sponsors, the total amount of funds necessary for the reconstruction of the building has been raised.

working after lunch
The shell of the root cellar on our farm, which we want to use for storing fruit and vegetables, is now finished. Next, we will start with the electrical work and plastering. We have chosen lime plaster with lime paint. Both have an antiseptic effect and guarantee good humidity compensation.
We are still using our original cooking kitchen, which was intended for the care of our babies and toddlers. We are all the more grateful to have received the commitment for the financing of our urgently needed cafeteria and cooking kitchen from „Ein Herz für Kinder.“
We applied for the building permit at the beginning of the year and hope that it will be granted before the summer. So we will have several building projects to manage in the second half of the year. It‘s going to be another very busy year.

Mit lieben Grüßen und Segenswünschen
Ihr/Euer Thomas Küsel, Stellvertretender Vorsitzender
Ihre/Eure Judith Klier, Vorsitzende
Wired Donations to:
DUNIA YA HERI African Family and Healthcare, P.O. Box 71573, Dar es Salaam, TanzaniaNIC Bank Tanzania Limited, Kariakoo Branch, Dar es Salaam
Account Number USD: 2000234853
Swift Code: SFICTZTZ
Intermediary Bank: CITIBANK NEW YORK, Swift Code: CITIUS33
Within the US
Donations from US-citizens are tax deductible if they are given to one of the following None Profit - 501c3 Organizations:
- Our partners “RESTORE A CHILD”: http://restoreachild.org/donate/
- OUTPOST CENTERS INTERNATIONAL: http://www.outpostcenters.org/donate/
Please do not forget to mention the project name of »DUNIA YA HERI« on your check, transfer slip or the “ministry need”.