...a land of blessing to many
... a land of blessing to many
...a home for orphans
... a home for orphans
...an initiative for a better world
... an initiative for a better world
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The Concept

Our dream is an orphanage which imparts love and acceptance to homeless children in Tanzania, so they would become models for society.

The Beginning

Construction has already started on the roughly 12 acres of land about 50 km south of Dar es Salaam. We're hoping to receive the first children by the beginning of 2016.

Your Contribution

We depend on your support! This is your opportunity to make a big difference, even with a small payment. Thank you!

A Gift

"Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him." - Psalm 127

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Whoever builds his life on service does not live in vain.

Emil Oesch

The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps.

König Salomo (Sprüche 16,9)

The most expensive work-related disease is the fear to take a decision.

Hans Böck

Dimidium est facti coepisse – It is more than half of a task to have made a beginning.

Decimus Magnus Ausonius
Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel

Our foundation consists of love, protection as well as autonomy. By conveying values such as honesty and responsibility, our children will become role models for society.

Our African "mamas", as they are lovingly called, possess the required experience to provide a caring and consistent education.

In order to provide an informal atmosphere and to meet the needs of every child, no more than 60 orphans will be received.

As a long-term goal, we strive to be self-sustaining in respect to staples, water and energy.

We decided to help those kids which live near a major city and are thus affected more than others.

Our 12 acres of land are located a little over an hour south of Der es Salaam, Tanzania. The proximity to the city simplifies things such as medical care; at the same time, the property is rural, hilly and fertile, thus enabling cultivation of fruit trees and vegetables.

In order to receive the first children in 2016, construction is scheduled to begin before the end of 2015. The buildings will be arranged like an African village - this will make for an informal atmosphere.

A Chance to Create a Better World

It is not easy to put oneself into the position of a person who has to deal with the challenging circumstances connected to the loss of one’s family.We are aware of the fact that there are many organizations soliciting support for children in the Third World. Because of our personal involvement we are able to supply our donors with a maximum amount of transparency in all of our activities. We would like to point out the following facts:

  • 100% of all donations – without any deduction of any administrative costs of our organization – will go directly towards the project of “Dunia ya Heri” in Tanzania.
  • Aside from the supply of food and shelter we also care for the physical, psychological and spiritual well-being of our children.
  • Our children will receive an education which in the long run will enable them to stand on their own feet in the future.
